Extras ====== Continuous integration ---------------------- See https://software.franco.net.eu.org/frnmst/docker-debian-postgis-django/src/branch/master#user-content-continuous-integration Connecting to the database and creatings backups ------------------------------------------------ Connecting `````````` By default connection to the database is enabled for localhost only. Use the following command to connect :: psql --hostname= --port=3051 --username=postgres Credentials are stored in the ``./docker-compose.yml`` file. Since we are connecting on the same machine we do not have to setup transport encryption. Creating database backups ````````````````````````` Once you know you can connect to the database you can proceed doing backups. Although you can make and restore PostgreSQL backups with its own commands such as ``pg_dump`` and ``pg_restore``, I prefer to use a system that handles regular and encrypted snapshots easily. Install these packages from your package manager: +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | Name | Binaries | Version | +======================+=====================+==================+ | Borg backup | - borg | 1.1.9 | +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | PostgreSQL | - pg_dump | == 13.3 | +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ Install these packages from PyPI: +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | Name | Binaries | Version | +======================+=====================+==================+ | Borgmatic | - borgmatic | 1.5.15 | +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debian GNU/Linux 10 ................... These commands will help having everything working on Debian GNU/Linux 10. You need to install PostgreSQL 13 from an external repository. See https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/debian/ :: # echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" # wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add - # apt-get install borgbackup postgresql-client-13 Debian GNU/Linux 11 ................... Debian 11 is provided with PostgreSQL 13 :: # apt-get install borgbackup postgresql-client-13 .. note:: You can still the upstream repository like with Debian 10. Common ...... Install borgmatic :: $ pip3 install --user borgmatic Running borgmatic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can make database backups using a `specific feature of Borgmatic `_ .. important:: In this example we will work locally and on the dev example only. You should change file and directory paths accordingly. First of all go into the ``borgmatic`` directory and run the following commands as ``root``: 1. create a new encrypted repository :: borg init -e repokey /tmp/backups/django_futils/dev.borg 2. create a backup :: borgmatic --config borgmatic.docker_postgis_django_futils_dev.yaml.dist 3. list the archives and select one :: borgmatic --config borgmatic.docker_postgis_django_futils_dev.yaml.dist list 4. restore the database and the files :: borgmatic --config borgmatic.docker_postgis_django_futils_dev.yaml.dist restore --archive ${archive_name} 5. extract :: borgmatic --config borgmatic.docker_postgis_django_futils_dev.yaml.dist extract --archive ${archive_name} --destination ../ --path db/dev/data/attachments Systemd unit files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can find sample systemd service and timer files here: - https://projects.torsion.org/witten/borgmatic/raw/branch/master/sample/systemd/borgmatic.service - https://projects.torsion.org/witten/borgmatic/raw/branch/master/sample/systemd/borgmatic.timer