Installation ============ Although you can install django-futils as a normal Python package, running the app is only supported on Docker. Distribution files ------------------ django-futils uses distribution (ending with ``dist``) files for some configurations. These files and are example configurations. What you need to do is to copy them as new files without the ``.dist`` suffix and edit them as you like: - ``./docker-compose.yml.dist`` - ``./`` - ``./env.dist`` - ``./docker/`` - ``./docker/`` - ``./docker/docker-compose.serve_dev.yml.dist`` - ``./docker/docker-compose.serve_prod.yml.dist`` - ``./docker/docker-compose.test_dev.yml.dist`` .. important:: Once everything is installed and working generate a new secret key and replace the once in the ``./`` file. Run: :: pipenv run python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())' Makefile and uwsgi.ini ---------------------- Follow these instructions to download some required files: - Prerequsites ------------ Install these packages from your package manager: +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | Name | Binaries | Version | +======================+=====================+==================+ | GNU make | - make | 4.3 | +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | Docker | - docker | >= 19.03.0 | +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | Python | - python3 | 3.8 | +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ Install these packages from PyPI: +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | Name | Binaries | Version | +======================+=====================+==================+ | docker-compose | - docker-compose | >= 1.25.5 | +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ | pipenv | - pipenv | | +----------------------+---------------------+------------------+ Debian GNU/Linux 10 and 11 `````````````````````````` These commands will help having everything working, including building the documentation on Debian GNU/Linux: :: $ pip3 install --user pipenv docker-compose $ make install-dev Start and enable the Docker service: :: # systemctl start docker # systemctl enable docker A new user, ``postgis-docker``, needs to be created to run the app. Moreover, all the needed directories must be created **before** running the app. :: # usermod -u 998 systemd-coredump # groupmod --gid 997 systemd-coredump # useradd -m -s /bin/bash -u 999 -U postgis-docker # mkdir -p /home/postgis-docker/django-futils/{dev,prod}/data # mkdir -p ./db/{dev,prod}/data # chown -R postgis-docker:postgis-docker /home/postgis-docker/django-futils # chown -R ${developer}:${developer_group} ./db # chmod 700 -R /home/postgis-docker/django-futils # chmod 700 -R ./db Finally, run ``make`` or ``make`` depending on what you have to do. Default credentials and variables --------------------------------- +---------------------------+---------------------+ | Description | Value | +===========================+=====================+ | Django admin user | ``admin`` | +---------------------------+---------------------+ | Django admin password | ``adminpassword`` | +---------------------------+---------------------+ | Postgres user | ``postgres`` | +---------------------------+---------------------+ | Postgres password | ``postgres`` | +---------------------------+---------------------+ .. warning:: Change the django credentials immediately! The Django admin user is infact a superuser. .. important:: You can change some of the docker-compose variables in the ``./.env`` file.