Installation of django-futils in other projects =============================================== To import django-futils into your project you need to install it and add it to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` variable among other apps in the settings file. See below: :: INSTALLED_APPS = [ ..., 'django_futils.apps.DjangoFutilsConfig', 'simple_history', 'vies', 'phone_field', 'leaflet', 'import_export', ... ] You can run these commands in a Dockerfile. ``${VERSION}`` corresponds to a git tag or branch such as ``0.0.3``. :: RUN pip3 install git+${VERSION} # Include translations for django-futils. RUN mkdir /code/django/django_futils && cp -aR /code/.local/lib/python*/site-packages/django_futils/locale /code/django/django_futils/. && chown -R django:django /code/django/django_futils Django templates of django-futils included apps are not loaded automatically. You need to install them manually in your app. This is an example of an extract of a Pipfile: :: # Models. django-phone-field = "~=1.8" django-vies = "~=6.0" ## Model history. django-simple-history = "~=3.0" ## Remove dangling files. django-import-export = "~=2.5" Models, admin, views, etc... ---------------------------- These files contain the concrete classes and data that you can use in other projects. You just need to copy the files and change the import paths: - ``./django_futils/`` - ``./django_futils/`` - ``./django_futils/`` For example, instead of: :: from . import abstract_views as DFU_abstract_views use: :: import django_futils.abstract_views as DFU_abstract_views In case of ``./django_futils/`` just add this to the imports: :: from django_futils import set_defaults Translations ------------ Add this to the settings file of your project that uses django-futils. :: # Copy the locale files of django-futils. import shutil import django_futils DJANGO_FUTILS_LOCALE_DIR_SUFFIX = 'django_futils/locale' futils_path = os.path.dirname(django_futils.__file__) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(futils_path, 'locale'), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, DJANGO_FUTILS_LOCALE_DIR_SUFFIX), dirs_exist_ok=True) LOCALE_PATHS.append(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, DJANGO_FUTILS_LOCALE_DIR_SUFFIX)) .. important:: Don't forget to add ``/django_futils/`` to ``.gitignore``.