Pre-commit hook --------------- This repo provides the following plugin for use with the `Pre-commit framework `_: .. literalinclude:: ../.pre-commit-hooks.yaml :caption: The .pre-commit-hooks.yaml file :name: .pre-commit-hooks.yaml :language: yaml Add a ``.pre-commit-config.yaml`` file in the root of your git repo. These are the default plugin settings: .. code-block:: yaml :caption: A simple example of a .pre-commit-config.yaml file :name: .pre-commit-config.yaml simple repos: - repo: rev: master # or a specific git tag from licheck hooks: - id: licheck You can override the defaults via the ``args`` parameter, such as: .. code-block:: yaml :caption: Example of arguments passed as a pre-commit :name: .pre-commit-config.yaml args repos: - repo: rev: master # or a specific git tag from licheck hooks: - id: licheck args: ['--configuration-file', '.allowed_licenses.yml'] # CLI options Finally run ``$ pre-commit install`` to enable the hook.