⚠️ starting from version 9 all the functions are only accessible via the full module path. For example: md_toc.build_toc(...) is now md_toc.api.build_toc(...) ⚠️

Pre-commit hook

Pre-commit hook#

This repo provides the following plugin to be used with the Pre-commit framework

The .pre-commit-hooks.yaml file#
# Define plugins (hooks) provided by this repo.
# How to test: https://pre-commit.com/#developing-hooks-interactively

- id: md-toc
  name: Update markdown table of contents
  description: 'Automatically generate and add a table of contents to markdown files'
  language: python
  types: [markdown]  # as detected by pre-commit with identify-cli
  entry: md_toc
  args: [-p, github]

Add a .pre-commit-config.yaml file in the root of your GIT repo. Have a look at the /.pre-commit-hooks.yaml file of this repository for a full example.

These are the default plugin settings

A simple example of a .pre-commit-config.yaml file#
 -   repo: https://codeberg.org/frnmst/md-toc
     # Release updates (ATOM) https://codeberg.org/frnmst/md-toc/tags.atom
     rev: master # set a GIT tag
     -   id: md-toc

You can override the defaults via the args parameter, such as

Example of arguments passed as a pre-commit#
 -   repo: https://codeberg.org/frnmst/md-toc
     # Release updates (ATOM) https://codeberg.org/frnmst/md-toc/tags.atom
     rev: master # set a GIT tag
     -   id: md-toc
         args: [-p, --skip-lines, '1', redcarpet]  # CLI options

Finally, run pre-commit install to enable the hook.