I use this script to download, archive and print invoice files which are originally generated and handled by Sogei SpA and the Agenzia delle Entrate.
Invoice files are downloaded from PEC accounts (certified mail) as attachments. An HTML file corresponding to the decoded XML invoice file is archived and printed. Finally optional notifications about the operation are sent.
During this process cryptographical signatures and integrity checks are performed.
Vedi anche
CUPS must be up and running with a default printer set. If not, do this before proceeding.
install the dependencies
apt-get install python3-pip libcups2-dev ttf-dejavu
create the jobs directories. See reference
mkdir -p /home/jobs/{scripts,services}/by-user/myuser chown -R myuser:myuser /home/jobs/{scripts,services}/by-user/myuser chmod 700 -R /home/jobs/{scripts,services}/by-user/myuser
create the
/home/jobs/scripts/by-user/myuser/!/usr/bin/env python3 # # # # Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Franco Masotti (franco \D\o\T masotti {-A-T-} tutanota \D\o\T com) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # See more copyrights and licenses below. r"""Download, verify, archive and print invoice files.""" import email import imaplib import pathlib import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import traceback from itertools import permutations import cups import dateutil.parser import fattura_elettronica_reader import fpyutils import lxml.etree import yaml from weasyprint import CSS, HTML class EmailError(Exception): r"""Error.""" def get_attachments(config: dict): r"""Download and save the attachments.""" validate_config_struct(config) # Most of this function comes from # # # This file is part of my scripts project # # Copyright (c) 2011 Marco Antonio Islas Cruz # # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # @author Marco Antonio Islas Cruz <> # @copyright 2011 Marco Antonio Islas Cruz # @license conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(host=config['certified_email']['host'], port=config['certified_email']['port']) conn.login(user=config['certified_email']['username'], password=config['certified_email']['password'])['certified_email']['mailbox']) # message_ids is 1-element list of message ids in BytesIO form. # Filter by subject and unread emails. # See: # # for all the commands and parameters. typ, message_ids = None, '(SUBJECT "' + config['certified_email']['subject_filter'] + '")', '(UNSEEN)') if typ != 'OK': raise EmailError # Email id. i = 0 # Group attachments by email so that they can be processed easily. saved_files = dict() for m_id in message_ids[0].split(): # Once the message is processed it will be set as SEEN (read). # Attachment group. saved_files[i] = list() # Returned data are tuples of message part envelope and data. # data is 1-element list. # data [0][0] corresponds to the header, # while data[0][1] corresponds to the text. # See: # # in particular the RFC822 and BODY parameters. typ, data = conn.fetch(m_id, '(RFC822)') if typ != 'OK': raise EmailError # Load payload in the email data structure. text = data[0][1] msg = email.message_from_bytes(text) # Get the receiving date of the email. date = msg['Date'] # Iterate through all the attachments of the email. for part in msg.walk(): # Skip current element if necessary. if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': print('iterating down the tree, skipping...') continue if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None: print('unkown content disposition, skipping...') continue # Get the filename and the content. filename = part.get_filename() data = part.get_payload(decode=True) # Get the year and month in terms of local time when the email # was received. dt = dateutil.parser.parse(date) # Define a subpath of 'year/month'. date_part_path = dt.astimezone('%Y/%m') if (filename is not None and data and filename not in config['files']['ignore_attachments']): dst_directory = str( pathlib.Path(config['files']['destination_base_directory'], date_part_path)) # Create the final directory. pathlib.Path(dst_directory).mkdir(mode=0o700, parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Compute the filename path based on the final directory. filename = str(pathlib.Path(dst_directory, filename)) # Write the attachment content to its file. with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) saved_files[i].append(filename) else: print( 'undefined filename or no attachments, marking as read anyway' ) i += 1 conn.close() conn.logout() return saved_files def decode_invoice_file(metadata_file: str, invoice_file: str, extract_attachments: bool = False) -> dict: r"""Try to decode the invoice file.""" source = 'invoice' file_type = 'p7m' data = { 'patched': True, 'configuration_file': '', 'write_default_configuration_file': False, 'extract_attachments': extract_attachments, 'invoice_xslt_type': 'ordinaria', 'no_invoice_xml_validation': False, 'force_invoice_schema_file_download': False, 'generate_html_output': True, 'invoice_filename': invoice_file, 'no_checksum_check': False, 'force_invoice_xml_stylesheet_file_download': False, 'ignore_attachment_extension_whitelist': False, 'ignore_attachment_filetype_whitelist': False, 'metadata_file': metadata_file, 'ignore_signature_check': False, 'ignore_signers_certificate_check': False, 'force_trusted_list_file_download': False, 'keep_original_file': True, 'ignore_assets_checksum': False, 'destination_directory': str(pathlib.Path(invoice_file).parents[0]) } status = { 'invoice_file': invoice_file, 'valid_checksum': True, 'valid_signature_and_signers_certificate': True, 'valid_assets_checksum': True, 'file_type': file_type, } # Most probably a metadata file or a non-signed invoice file. # Metadata file must have .xml as extension # Avoid case sensitivity problems. if str(pathlib.PurePath(metadata_file).suffix).lower() == '.xml': done = False else: done = True # Unprocessed. status['invoice_file'] = '' while not done: try: fattura_elettronica_reader.pipeline(source=source, file_type=file_type, data=data) done = True except fattura_elettronica_reader.exceptions.InvoiceFileChecksumFailed: if status['valid_checksum']: status['valid_checksum'] = False # Ignore checksum at the next iteration but mark the checksum # as invalid. data['no_checksum_check'] = True except fattura_elettronica_reader.exceptions.P7MFileNotAuthentic: if status['valid_signature_and_signers_certificate']: status['valid_signature_and_signers_certificate'] = False data['ignore_signature_check'] = True data['ignore_signers_certificate_check'] = True except fattura_elettronica_reader.exceptions.P7MFileDoesNotHaveACoherentCryptographicalSignature: if status['file_type'] == 'p7m': status['file_type'] = 'plain' file_type = 'plain' except lxml.etree.LxmlError: # The selected metadata file is the real invoice file. # Retry with the next loop from the caller function. done = True traceback.print_exc() except fattura_elettronica_reader.exceptions.AssetsChecksumDoesNotMatch: if status['valid_assets_checksum']: status['valid_assets_checksum'] = False data['ignore_assets_checksum'] = True except fattura_elettronica_reader.exceptions.CannotExtractOriginalP7MFile: # Fatal error. done = True traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) return status def validate_decoded_invoice_files_struct(struct: list): r"""Check if the data structure corresponds to the specifications.""" for e in struct: if not isinstance(e, dict): raise TypeError if 'invoice_file' not in e: raise ValueError if 'valid_checksum' not in e: raise ValueError if 'valid_signature_and_signers_certificate' not in e: raise ValueError if 'valid_assets_checksum' not in e: raise ValueError if 'file_type' not in e: raise ValueError if not isinstance(e['invoice_file'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(e['valid_checksum'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(e['valid_signature_and_signers_certificate'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(e['valid_assets_checksum'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(e['file_type'], str): raise TypeError if e['file_type'] not in ['p7m', 'plain']: raise ValueError def validate_config_struct(data: dict): r"""Check if the data structure corresponds to the specifications.""" if 'certified_email' not in data: raise ValueError if 'files' not in data: raise ValueError if 'print' not in data: raise ValueError if 'invoice' not in data: raise ValueError if 'status_page' not in data: raise ValueError if 'notify' not in data: raise ValueError if 'host' not in data['certified_email']: raise ValueError if 'port' not in data['certified_email']: raise ValueError if 'username' not in data['certified_email']: raise ValueError if 'password' not in data['certified_email']: raise ValueError if 'mailbox' not in data['certified_email']: raise ValueError if 'subject_filter' not in data['certified_email']: raise ValueError if 'destination_base_directory' not in data['files']: raise ValueError if 'ignore_attachments' not in data['files']: raise ValueError if 'printer' not in data['print']: raise ValueError if 'css_string' not in data['print']: raise ValueError if 'file' not in data['invoice']: raise ValueError if 'attachments' not in data['invoice']: raise ValueError if 'file' not in data['status_page']: raise ValueError if 'show' not in data['status_page']: raise ValueError if 'status' not in data['status_page']: raise ValueError if 'gotify' not in data['notify']: raise ValueError if not isinstance(data['certified_email']['host'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['certified_email']['port'], int): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['certified_email']['username'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['certified_email']['password'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['certified_email']['mailbox'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['certified_email']['subject_filter'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['files']['destination_base_directory'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['files']['ignore_attachments'], list): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['print']['printer'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['print']['css_string'], str): raise TypeError if 'print' not in data['invoice']['file']: raise ValueError if 'extract' not in data['invoice']['attachments']: raise ValueError if 'print' not in data['invoice']['attachments']: raise ValueError if 'store' not in data['status_page']['file']: raise ValueError if 'print' not in data['status_page']['file']: raise ValueError if 'info' not in data['status_page']['show']: raise ValueError if 'openssl_version' not in data['status_page']['show']: raise ValueError if 'crypto' not in data['status_page']['status']: raise ValueError if 'checksum' not in data['status_page']['status']: raise ValueError if 'p7m' not in data['status_page']['status']: raise ValueError if 'assets' not in data['status_page']['status']: raise ValueError if 'enabled' not in data['notify']['gotify']: raise ValueError if 'url' not in data['notify']['gotify']: raise ValueError if 'token' not in data['notify']['gotify']: raise ValueError if 'message' not in data['notify']['gotify']: raise ValueError if 'priority' not in data['notify']['gotify']: raise ValueError for a in data['files']['ignore_attachments']: if not isinstance(a, str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['invoice']['file']['print'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['invoice']['attachments']['extract'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['invoice']['attachments']['print'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['file']['store'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['file']['print'], bool): raise TypeError if 'enabled' not in data['status_page']['show']['info']: raise ValueError if 'url' not in data['status_page']['show']['info']: raise ValueError if 'enabled' not in data['status_page']['show']['openssl_version']: raise ValueError if 'enabled' not in data['status_page']['status']['crypto']: raise ValueError if 'message' not in data['status_page']['status']['crypto']: raise ValueError if 'valid_value' not in data['status_page']['status']['crypto']: raise ValueError if 'invalid_value' not in data['status_page']['status']['crypto']: raise ValueError if 'enabled' not in data['status_page']['status']['checksum']: raise ValueError if 'message' not in data['status_page']['status']['checksum']: raise ValueError if 'valid_value' not in data['status_page']['status']['checksum']: raise ValueError if 'invalid_value' not in data['status_page']['status']['checksum']: raise ValueError if 'enabled' not in data['status_page']['status']['p7m']: raise ValueError if 'message' not in data['status_page']['status']['p7m']: raise ValueError if 'valid_value' not in data['status_page']['status']['p7m']: raise ValueError if 'invalid_value' not in data['status_page']['status']['p7m']: raise ValueError if 'enabled' not in data['status_page']['status']['assets']: raise ValueError if 'message' not in data['status_page']['status']['assets']: raise ValueError if 'valid_value' not in data['status_page']['status']['assets']: raise ValueError if 'invalid_value' not in data['status_page']['status']['assets']: raise ValueError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['show']['info']['enabled'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['show']['info']['url'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance( data['status_page']['show']['openssl_version']['enabled'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['crypto']['enabled'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['crypto']['message'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['crypto']['valid_value'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['crypto']['invalid_value'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['checksum']['enabled'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['checksum']['message'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['checksum']['valid_value'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance( data['status_page']['status']['checksum']['invalid_value'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['p7m']['enabled'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['p7m']['message'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['p7m']['valid_value'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['p7m']['invalid_value'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['assets']['enabled'], bool): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['assets']['message'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['assets']['valid_value'], str): raise TypeError if not isinstance(data['status_page']['status']['assets']['invalid_value'], str): raise TypeError def decode_invoice_files(file_group: dict, extract_attachments: bool = False) -> list: r"""Decode multiple invoice files.""" invoice_files = list() for i in file_group: files = file_group[i] perm = permutations(files) files_perm = list(perm) j = 0 done = False while j < len(files_perm) and not done: # Try all permutations. metadata_file = files_perm[j][0] invoice_file = files_perm[j][1] status = decode_invoice_file(metadata_file, invoice_file, extract_attachments) if status['invoice_file'] != '': # Ignore unprocessed files. invoice_files.append(status) # There is no need to try to invert the input files because # processing completed correctly. done = True j += 1 return invoice_files def print_file(printer, file, job_name, proprieties): r"""Print a file with CUPS.""" conn = cups.Connection() conn.printFile(printer, file, job_name, proprieties) def print_invoice(file: dict, data: dict): r"""Print the invoice file.""" validate_config_struct(data) html_file = file['invoice_file'] + '.html' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as g: css = CSS(string=data['print']['css_string']) html = HTML(html_file) temp_name = html.write_pdf(temp_name, stylesheets=[css]) print_file(data['print']['printer'], temp_name, 'invoice', {'media': 'a4'}) def get_status_page(file: dict, data: dict): r"""Save and print the status page.""" validate_config_struct(data) html_file = file['invoice_file'] + '.html' content = '<h1>' + pathlib.Path(html_file).stem + '</h1>' if data['status_page']['show']['info']['enabled']: content += '<h2>generated by <code>' + data['status_page']['show'][ 'info']['url'] + '</code></h2>' if data['status_page']['show']['openssl_version']['enabled']: content += '<h2>' + shlex.split('openssl version'), capture_output=True, shell=False).stdout.decode('UTF-8').rstrip() + '</h2> ' if data['status_page']['status']['crypto']['enabled']: if file['valid_signature_and_signers_certificate']: content += '<h1>' + data['status_page']['status']['crypto'][ 'message'] + ' ' + data['status_page']['status']['crypto'][ 'valid_value'] + '</h1>' else: content += '<h1>' + data['status_page']['status']['crypto'][ 'message'] + ' ' + data['status_page']['status']['crypto'][ 'invalid_value'] + '</h1>' if data['status_page']['status']['checksum']['enabled']: if file['valid_checksum']: content += '<h1>' + data['status_page']['status']['checksum'][ 'message'] + ' ' + data['status_page']['status']['checksum'][ 'valid_value'] + '</h1>' else: content += '<h1>' + data['status_page']['status']['checksum'][ 'message'] + ' ' + data['status_page']['status']['checksum'][ 'invalid_value'] + '</h1>' if data['status_page']['status']['p7m']['enabled']: if file['file_type'] == 'p7m': content += '<h1>' + data['status_page']['status']['p7m'][ 'message'] + ' ' + data['status_page']['status']['p7m'][ 'valid_value'] + '</h1>' else: content += '<h1>' + data['status_page']['status']['p7m'][ 'message'] + ' ' + data['status_page']['status']['p7m'][ 'invalid_value'] + '</h1>' if data['status_page']['status']['assets']['enabled']: if file['valid_assets_checksum']: content += '<h1>' + data['status_page']['status']['assets'][ 'message'] + ' ' + data['status_page']['status']['assets'][ 'valid_value'] + '</h1>' else: content += '<h1>' + data['status_page']['status']['assets'][ 'message'] + ' ' + data['status_page']['status']['assets'][ 'invalid_value'] + '</h1>' # Save and print. with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: css = CSS(string=data['print']['css_string']) html = HTML(string=content) status_page_tmp_path = str(pathlib.Path(tmpdirname, 'status_page.pdf')) html.write_pdf(status_page_tmp_path, stylesheets=[css]) if data['status_page']['file']['print']: print_file(data['print']['printer'], status_page_tmp_path, 'status_page', {'media': 'a4'}) if data['status_page']['file']['store']: dir = pathlib.Path(file['invoice_file']).parent shutil.move( status_page_tmp_path, str( pathlib.Path(dir, file['invoice_file'] + '_status_page.pdf'))) if __name__ == '__main__': configuration_file = sys.argv[1] config = yaml.load(open(configuration_file), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) validate_config_struct(config) pathlib.Path(config['files']['destination_base_directory']).mkdir( mode=0o700, parents=True, exist_ok=True) file_group = get_attachments(config) decoded_invoice_files = decode_invoice_files( file_group, config['invoice']['attachments']['extract']) validate_decoded_invoice_files_struct(decoded_invoice_files) for f in decoded_invoice_files: if config['invoice']['file']['print']: print_invoice(f, config) get_status_page(f, config) message = 'processed invoice = ' + pathlib.Path(f['invoice_file']).name if config['notify']['gotify']['enabled']: m = config['notify']['gotify']['message'] + '\n' + message fpyutils.notify.send_gotify_message( config['notify']['gotify']['url'], config['notify']['gotify']['token'], m, config['notify']['gotify']['title'], config['notify']['gotify']['priority']) if config['notify']['email']['enabled']: fpyutils.notify.send_email( message, config['notify']['email']['smtp_server'], config['notify']['email']['port'], config['notify']['email']['sender'], config['notify']['email']['user'], config['notify']['email']['password'], config['notify']['email']['receiver'], config['notify']['email']['subject'])
create a
configuration file
/home/jobs/scripts/by-user/myuser/archive_invoice_files.myuser.yaml## # archive_invoice_files.myuser.conf # # Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Franco Masotti (franco \D\o\T masotti {-A-T-} tutanota \D\o\T com) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # IMAP configuration. certified_email: host: '<imap host>' port: 993 username: '<email>' password: '<password>' mailbox: 'Inbox' subject_filter: 'POSTA CERTIFICATA:' files: # The full path where the invoice files are stored. destination_base_directory: '/home/myuser/invoices' # A list of file names to ignore. ignore_attachments: - 'daticert.xml' - 'smime.p7s' print: # The printer name as reported by CUPS. printer: 'My_Printer' # The CSS string used by WeasyPrint. css_string: 'body { font-size: 8pt; }; @page { size: A4; margin: 0cm; })])}' invoice: file: print: true attachments: extract: true # TODO. # NOT IMPLEMENTED. print: true status page: file: # Store the status page. store: true print: true show: info: enabled: true url: '' openssl version: enabled: true status: crypto: enabled: true message: 'Signature and/or certificare are' valid_value: 'valid [OK]' invalid_value: 'NOT valid! [WARNING]' schema: # TODO. # NOT IMPLEMENTED. enabled: true message: 'The scheme is' valid: 'valid [OK]' invalid: 'NOT valid! [WARNING]' checksum: enabled: true message: 'File integrity check is' valid_value: 'valid [OK]' invalid_value: 'NOT valid! [WARNING]' p7m: enabled: true message: 'The original file is a' valid_value: 'signed P7M' invalid_value: 'plain XML' assets: enabled: true message: 'Assets file integrity check is' valid_value: 'valid [OK]' invalid_value: 'NOT valid! [WARNING]' notify: email: enabled: false smtp_server: '' port: 465 sender: '' user: 'myusername' password: 'my awesome password' receiver: '' subject: 'archive invoice(s)' gotify: priority: 5 enabled: false url: '<gotify url>' token: '<app token>' title: 'archive invoice(s)' message: 'archive and print invoices for user myuser'
use this
Systemd service unit file
/home/jobs/services/by-user/myuser/archive-invoice-files.myuser.service#[Unit] Description=archive and print myusers's invoices [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/home/myuser/.local/venv/archive_invoice_files/bin/python3 /home/jobs/scripts/by-user/myuser/ /home/jobs/scripts/by-user/myuser/archive_invoice_files.myuser.yaml User=myuser Group=myuser [Install]
use this
Systemd timer unit file
/home/jobs/services/by-user/myuser/archive-invoice-files.myuser.timer#[Unit] Description=Once a day archive and print myusers's invoices [Timer] OnCalendar=*-*-* 6:00:00 Persistent=true [Install]
fix the permissions
chown -R myuser:myuser /home/jobs/{scripts,services}/by-user/myuser chmod 700 -R /home/jobs/{scripts,services}/by-user/myuser
run the deploy script
go back to the desktop user create a new virtual environment
exit export ENVIRONMENT_NAME="archive_invoice_files" python3 -m venv ~/.local/venv/"${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}" . ~/.local/venv/"${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}"/bin/activate pip3 install wheel pip3 install fpyutils==3.0.1 python-dateutil fattura-elettronica-reader==3.0.5 WeasyPrint==52.1 pycups deactivate